Maintaining API Documentation

Putting it lightly, the tudat source has a “difficult to maintain” system for code docstrings. This is a problem, because these docstrings are needed in order to generate the most used component related to software: API Documentation. Let’s take an arbitrary example.

tudat/include/interface/spice/spiceInterface.h (permalink)
//! Computes the angular velocity of one frame w.r.t. to another frame.
 * Computes the angular velocity of one frame w.r.t. to another frame. at a given
 * time instant. kernels defining the two frames, as well as any required intermediate frames, at
 * the requested time must have been loaded. Wrapper for xf2rav_c spice function (utilizing
 *  sxform_c).
 * \param originalFrame Reference frame from which the rotation is made.
 * \param newFrame Reference frame to which the rotation is made.
 * \param ephemerisTime Value of ephemeris time at which rotation is to be determined.
 * \return Angular velocity of newFrame w.r.t. originalFrame, expressed in originalFrame.
Eigen::Vector3d getAngularVelocityVectorOfFrameInOriginalFrame(const std::string &originalFrame,
                                                               const std::string &newFrame,
                                                               const double ephemerisTime);

This is setup up correctly to allow Doxygen to generate the following entry in the C++ API documentation:


This can then be translated into Sphinx documentation using Breathe, allowing both a Doxygen and Sphinx-based API, for whichever users are more comfortable with. However, the process of translating this into Python docstrings to enable the Python API to be generated is usually manual.

  1. Extract docstring(s) from headers.

  2. Translate into a Python docstring style understood by established tools.

  3. Translate types from C++ to Python equivalent types:











  1. Change references to other functions in the API, to Python equivalent forms.

Following this process, we have developed the required function for the pybind11 solution:

std::string get_get_angular_velocity_vector_of_frame_in_original_frame_docstring(){
    return R"mydelimiter(
        Computes the angular velocity of one frame w.r.t. to another frame.

        Extended Summary
        Computes the angular velocity of one frame w.r.t. to another frame. at a given
        time instant. kernels defining the two frames, as well as any required intermediate frames, at
        the requested time must have been loaded. Wrapper for xf2rav_c spice function (utilizing

        original_frame : str
            Reference frame from which the rotation is made.
        new_frame : str
            Reference frame to which the rotation is made.
        ephemeris_time : float
            Value of ephemeris time at which rotation is to be determined.

        angular_velocity : np.ndarray[,3]
            Angular velocity of newFrame w.r.t. originalFrame, expressed in originalFrame.

Factor in the reality that the tudat API is currently in constant flux, features are constantly being added when required by thesis students, and the developers working on the source code are continuously changing, we arrive in an unsustainable situation. The one question is why is there no existing solution to this? Short answer, based on anecdotal evidence, either it’s not required as code bases usually are less dynamic or it’s because they have a much smaller collection of functions and classes to maintain documentation for (e.g. PaGMO). We need consistency, maintainability and accessibility summarised by the following requirements:

  1. The API documentation shall originate from a single data source.

  2. The API documentation shall be human readable (so as to allow any non-developer ability to contribute).

  3. The API documentation shall provide mechanisms for language-specific content for a given API element.

Enter multidoc:


In short, multidoc is a tool that generates docstrings for API’s that exist in multiple languages. The starting point is an API declaration:

API declaration
├── __api__.yaml
├── interface
│   ├── __module__.yaml
│   └── spice.yaml
└── simulation
    ├── __module__.yaml
    └── environment_setup.yaml

The API declaration is a directory containing information that generalises a language agnostic API structure. This effect of this structure affects the source of both C++ and pybind11 exposures differently. There are some benefits already gained by defining the API structure independent from the source:

  1. The API can designed before touching source code. Developers can come to an agreement on details before coding.

  2. The API documentation can be maintained independent from the source. This means that API documentation is more accessible.


The following file is the top level API declaration. It defines higher level documentation and structure of the highest level.

  name: tudat-cpp    # [cpp]
  name: tudatpy      # [py]

description: "{{ }} is an awesome project!"

  - interface
  - simulation

  - name: get_answer_of_universe
    short_summary: Returns the answer to everything
        - name: answer_of_universe
          type: int # [cpp]   <-- this is unnecessary, but for the sake of demo
          type: int # [py]    <-- ^
          description: "The only real answer to anything: 42"

There are a few things to notice here, firstly the # [XXX] tags. These take part in a preprocessing step in the yaml, inspired from conda-forge’s feedstock tool conda-smithy. This partly fulfils requirement 3, as it allows for language specific content. What about if a function refers to one that it uses internally, from the API itself? This will be dealt with in a similar way to the description key:

description: "{{ }} is an awesome project!"

For tudatpy, this would resolve to “tudatpy is an awesome project!”, during the template replacement step using jinja2, and similarly for tudat-cpp.

What about if a function refers to one that it uses internally, from the API itself? We would want Python users to be directed to the Python API, rather than the C++ API. The solution follows similarly from the previous example:

description: |
    See ``{{ api.module.submodule.function }}`` for more information!

Module definitions would have the same mechanisms and design as above, with the exception that the package key is not present.

  - interface
  - simulation

The final design to note is:

── interface
   ├── __module__.yaml
   └── spice.yaml

__module__.yaml is the module definition for interface, and spice.yaml is the definition for the spice submodule. There are effectively two ways to define a module, as a directory containing __module__.yaml or as a standalone module.yaml. The directory version infers the presents of a submodule contained with the module and the standalone file version infers that there are no further submodules.

Finally, an example of the generated Python docstring:

Returns the answer to everything

answer_of_universe : int
    The only real answer to anything: 42

This styling follows the numpydoc formatting.


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